Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Sunday Night...... Laughter and Tears!

Some folks had opted to go out for supper. Some of us had opted to remain in our rooms( I had enough leftovers to eat to hold me over!LOL).
We all agreed to meet back in the lobby that evening to say our goodbyes and just chat about the whole weekend.

Some of the gals wore their pj's down.....some were stitching....some were needle punching.
We all gathered around the lobby in the chairs and sofa. Some of us sat on the floor.

Once we all arrived and made ourselves comfy....Shelly made a bit of a speech. Saying it had been a whirlwind of fun and that she was so glad we all had made it there to join the fun. We all started then with "highlight" stories of the weekend etc. Lots of laughter was happening from all corners of the lobby.
The security lady actually came out and SHhhh'd us all cause we were all getting so loud! LOL

It was starting to get late and some of the gals were leaving at the crack of dawn to catch their flights. We all started whipping out cameras again and posing for the last minute pictures together. We all got together for a group shot holding Shelly across our laps!
Oh I love that pic! heehee

Then I look around ...... tears are starting to well up in gals eyes and flow down cheeks.
We all gather for different group shots of each other. Camera flashes are going off all around.
Tears are flowing...... we are all still laughing though. We have had the time of our life and are already making plans to see each other again!!!!!

The "Primmart handshake" is somehow created..... I didn't see the first one but have a funny feeling who started it! LOL Well then it spread like wildfire and had us all laughing so hard I thought some of us were going to get kicked out of the hotel on our last night! LOL

Back to our rooms we go with memories to last a lifetime!
Thank you my "sistas" for making me smile so much when I think about that trip!

Prim Blessing!

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